Friday, May 30, 2014

Vitamins For A Healthy Heart

As we all know, vitamins are very important when it comes to keeping your heart healthy.  You need to eat the right foods of course, although you also need to supplement the food you eat with the necessary vitamins your body needs to stay in shape and keep your heart working healthy for a long time to come.  If you don’t consume the right nutrients, you won’t be doing your heart any favors - and may end up having problems later on in life.

The first vitamin that comes to mind for most people is vitamin E, a vitamin that is essential to improving the overall health of your heart.  When taken correctly, vitamin E will stop the cholesterol in the body from harming the arteries that surround the heart.  Anytime cholesterol oxidizes, it sticks to the sides of the arteries and can lead to blockages which can cause heart attacks or other serious problems with the heart. 

To help you keep your heart healthy, most doctors recommend that you take additional supplements that contain vitamin E.  They may also suggest that you eat foods that are naturally rich in vitamin E, such as nuts.  Nuts have high amounts of vitamin E, and most of them taste great.  You can find other foods that contain vitamin E as well, although nuts have the highest amounts.

In the past, research has shown Vitamin E to help those who have already suffered the wrath of a heart attack.  This vitamin helps to prevent heart attacks in the future by opening up the arteries and eliminate blockage.  Those who have had a heart attack in the past are always encouraged to add more vitamin E to their diet.

What many aren’t aware of, is the fact that you can use vitamin C to boost the effects of vitamin E.  Vitamin C is known as an antioxidant, which prevents the damaging effects that cholesterol has on the body.  Along with preventing cholesterol from damaging the body, vitamin C also helps vitamin E with it’s functions - such as protecting your arteries and your heart.

By taking both vitamin C and E as a combination, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier heart.  Overall, this is the easiest way that you can be sure you aren’t damaging your heart, especially if you have had a heart attack in the past.  If you have a history of heart disease or heart problems in your family, these vitamins are essential to your diet.  Even if you are just concerned about the health of your heart, these vitamins will give you the peace of mind in knowing that you are eating for a healthy heart.

As far as your dosage goes, it will vary from person to person, although 400 international units of vitamin E and C are the recommended amounts for most people.  On it’s own, vitamin C can be tolerated in large doses, without imposing any harmful effects.  You can take around 500 mg of it twice a day, and ensure that your heart remains healthy.

To be on the safe side, you should always make sure that you get the proper amount of vitamins in your daily diet.  Taking additional vitamins and supplements isn’t a bad idea either, especially if you are trying to boost the health of your heart.  Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body, which is why you should always take care of it.  If you eat the proper diet and take the necessary vitamins - you’ll be well on your way to keeping your heart healthy.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Good Food Health Vitamin Intake

It is essential that a person is aware of what constitutes good food health vitamin intake. The federal drug administration produces a recommended daily allowance for the majority of vitamins which it regards as a good food health vitamin intake. These figures vary according to a person’s age, sex and some other factors so that the good food health vitamin intake for a young woman is going to be different to that of a man in his seventies.

The food health vitamin intake amounts of certain foods are included in the nutritional labeling. This labeling is important for a person to consider and helps ensure that they are receiving the correct food health vitamin intake from the foods that they eat. The nutritional information is often represented as a percentage of the recommended daily allowance of each vitamin and mineral and can help assess the value of the foods in the quest for good food health vitamin intake.

There are also a number of items that a person may want to restrict in their diet as part of their good food health vitamin intake. Again, the nutritional labelling of certain foods can help a person to see how high a product is in these undesirable contents. Salt and fat, for example, may be items that a person wants to consider limiting as part of their good food health vitamin intake even though they are not strictly vitamins. The majority of people actually refer to nutrients when they use the word vitamin and food manufacturers are aware that a person is looking at minerals and other items when they are considering their good food health vitamin intake. Fiber is another element that many people are more aware of as forming an essential part of a balanced diet and is necessary for good food health vitamin intake.

If a person is on a restricted diet for any reason then they need to pay even more attention to their good food health vitamin intake. Obviously, some foods contain different nutrients to others and this is applicable to vitamins as well and it may be more difficult for a person to achieve their good food health vitamin intake if they are unable to eat certain foods. Vitamin supplements can form an essential part of a good food health vitamin intake for people who are unable to obtain their vitamins from their normal diet. It is also worth remembering that the good food health vitamin intake for a person varies throughout their life depending on their general health.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Role Of Vitamin B3 Niacin

Vitamin B3 niacin is an essential vitamin for your body, and it is just one of the eight water soluble types of B vitamins.  Nearly all of the B vitamin classes will help the body convert carbohydrates into sugar or glucose, which can then be burned to produce energy.  Also known as complex B vitamins, B3 niacin are essential in helping the body break down protein and fat.

Complex B vitamins also play an important role with maintaining muscle tone within the digestive tract, along with the health of the skin, nervous system, live, eyes, hair, and mouth.  Even though a lot of people associate creative with the aspect of muscles and muscle tone, vitamin B3 niacin is as equally important - if not more important.

B3 niacin is also important with getting harmful or toxic chemicals out of the body.  It can also help the body produce different sex and stress related hormones within the adrenal glands, among other parts of the body.  The vitamin is also useful for helping with sexual dysfunction as well.  This can be great news for those who have problems with pleasing their mate.

Also very effective with improving circulation, B3 niacin can also help to reduce cholesterol levels found in the blood.  Even though vitamin B3 niacin is great as a stand alone supplement, it should also consumed with foods that contain protein, due to the fact that the body is able to convert the amino acid known as tryptophan into niacin.

The higher doses of B3 niacin, which are available only through prescription, have been proven to prevent and also improve a variety of different symptoms and ailments.  Due to the high risk of toxicity, individuals should always consult with a doctor first, before they decide to start higher doses of B3 niacin.

There are also niacin skin care products that are being developed as well, which contain anti-aging products, helping to treat acne and also aid in the prevention of skin cancer.  A lot of dermatologists expect that these products will become really popular over the next several years.  Even though they are still in development stages, research has proven them to be very effective when compared to the other types of products.

The best sources for vitamin B3 niacin include beef, pork, turkey, beets, veal, fish, chicken, salmon, tuna, and peanuts.  You can also get supplements that contain B3 niacin as well, which can give your body the amounts it needs.  This is a very important vitamin, as it does a lot more for the body than most think.  By consuming foods that contain it or taking the proper supplements - you’ll get the amount of B vitamins that your body needs on a daily basis.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Supplements For Calcium

Throughout your life, calcium will prove to be very important.  With the most important times of your life, such as childhood, breast feeding, or pregnancy, getting the right amounts of calcium is very important.  For children, calcium helps with the growth of teeth and bones, and it prevents blood clots.  With adults, calcium helps to prevent osteoporosis.

If you are looking to take, or currently taking calcium supplements, you should take them either before or after your meal, with a large glass of liquid, preferably water.  If you are using chewable calcium supplements, then you should make sure that you chew the pills thoroughly before you swallow.  If you have trouble chewing them, you should always let them dissolve in a glass of water or juice then slowly drink once it is dissolved.  Keep in mind, you shouldn’t take other medications immediately following calcium supplements, as they can easily interfere with other types of medications that you may be taking.

Although calcium supplements are ideal for promoting bone and teeth growth and health, you should always make sure that you can take them before you make the purchase.  Those who suffer from lung disease, kidney stones, stomach problems, or diarrhea should always consult with a doctor first to make sure that calcium supplements won’t make things worse.  If you happen to be pregnant, you should let your doctor know that you are interested in or taking calcium supplements, as that have been known to get into breast milk.

Normally, anyone can take calcium supplements, although using them in high doses may cause different and adverse reactions.  If you take calcium supplements in large doses, you may experience constipation, vomiting, nausea, a loss of appetite, a dry mouth, and a loss of appetite.  If you start to have any of the above problems, you should immediately contact your doctor.

When you contact your doctor, you should let him know if you are taking any other medications, and any histories of illness or diseases your family may have.  Although anyone can take calcium supplements, there are rare cases in which they may cause you side effects.  Side effects are very rare, although they happen and may prevent certain individuals from taking these supplements.

If you’ve been having problems with your bones or just looking to keep your bones healthy, calcium supplements are what you need.  You can find them online, or through local nutrition stores such as GNC.  They don’t cost a lot of money, yet they will give you the peace of mind in knowing that your bones will remain strong and healthy.  You can include them in your daily diet as well - although you should check with your doctor first to make sure that they won’t cause you any problems.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Liquid Vitamins Versus Chewable Vitamins

Nearly 50% of Americans residing in the United States use some type of vitamin or vitamin supplement ever day.  Even though they may take vitamins, most are unaware of the fact that nearly 90% of the nutrients and minerals found in the vitamin isn’t properly absorbed by the body, which means they are virtually watered down and most of their benefits proven to be not effective.

Almost all individuals who take vitamins use the pill form.  Pills were once thought of to be the best, simply because they were the only vitamin sources.  These days, liquid vitamins are much more effective, and people are starting to realize it.  Although many use pills or chewable vitamins, they aren’t getting near the benefit they think they are.

Vitamins and supplements are very popular, especially for those who have active lifestyles and find it difficult to consume the necessary vitamins and minerals they need from the proper meals.  Therefore, those with busy lifestyles turn to vitamins and supplements to give their bodies what it needs to carry out day to day activities.  Even though you should never replace food with vitamins, vitamins can help you to get the nutrients and minerals you need on a daily basis.

The main reason why liquid vitamins are more effective than pills and tablets is due to the nature of their liquid base.  With the vitamins being liquid, they are easier for the body to digest and easily absorbed into the digestive tract as well.  Chewable tablets and pills will pass through the body in hard form, making them hard to digest.  Liquid is always digested when it passes through, so it will go through your body quicker and take effect faster.

Due to the body having to work less to break down and absorb liquid vitamins, they will pass through the body much faster.  The nutrients and minerals contained in liquid vitamins will reach vital areas faster through the bloodstream, and they are easier to use by the most important organs in your body that need them the most.  Liquid is also easy to swallow as well, as you can add the liquid vitamin to your favorite juice or just take it right out of the bottle if you prefer.

With pills or chewable vitamins, the majority of the nutrients and minerals that are contained in the vitamins aren’t normally broken down in the digestive system.  With these types of vitamins being in hard form, they are harder for the body to pass at the most crucial moments, where the body needs to have nutrients and minerals.  Unless you completely chew up the vitamin, it can stay in hard form until it passes through when you go to the bathroom.  If this happens, you are normally just wasting the vitamin as it doesn’t have a chance to get into the bloodstream.

Liquid vitamins have proven themselves to be the best way to get the minerals and nutrients your body needs.  As more and more people discover the benefits of liquid vitamins and how easy they are to digest, they make the switch.  Liquid is far superior to tablets and pills, simply because it tastes better, it’s easier to digest, and it travels through the body faster.  You can find many different flavors and types of vitamin supplements at your local nutrition store, or get online and order what you need there.  Either way you go - you’ll find liquid vitamins to be the ideal way to get the nutrients you need for you body on a daily basis.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Ginger Root Heals Ailments

The vitamin ginger root offers you a lot of benefits, including the ability to treat headaches and common colds.  One of the most common uses of ginger root is the treat an upset stomach, something we all know and hate.  Normally in the form of flat ginger ale and crackers, this vitamin could fix even the most upset of stomachs - and fast to boot.

For the last few decades, ancient civilizations have used the vitamin in both cooking form and medicine form.  Although the technology back then wasn’t close to what it is today, the ancient civilizations knew that ginger root would help prevent ailments ranging from motion sickness to athlete’s foot.  With ginger root having anti-inflammatory properties, it can also make the pain of rheumatoid arthritis less intense.  Women that drink ginger tea have said that it helps them eliminate menstrual cramps completely.

What many people don’t know, is the fact that ginger root isn’t really classified as a root, but instead an underground stem.  Even though it is a very useful vitamin and supplement, it is harvested year round just like the hawthorne berry.  The harvests, which are obtained roughly five months or so after being planted, are used in the creation of products such as candied ginger and ginger syrup.  Harvests that are obtained later can be sold as fresh ginger.  The longer the ginger remains in the ground before being harvested, the spicier and hotter it gets.

Keep in mind that not anyone can grow ginger.  It takes a special type of soil, which means that it won’t grow anywhere.  It is normally grown commercially, in large harvests.  Ginger is always in high demand, as it serves a lot of useful purposes.  From adding spice to food to healing certain ailments, ginger root is easily one of the best vitamins around.

These days, you can buy ginger in the produce department of many grocery stores.  Ginger serves many useful purposes, including baking. It can be used with cookies and breads, or used to spice up your jellies and jams.  When you shop for ginger root, you should ensure that the gnarly fist like bulb is smooth, the surface hard to the touch, and the weight being somewhat heavy.  If the bulb is hard and light in weight, it won’t be as good.

When it comes to common ailments, ginger root can be great to have around.  It can be used with hundreds of cooking recipes, you can use your creative imagination to make even more uses with it as well.  Ginger is used in many fine dining restaurants as well, as it tastes great as a dressing on salads.  Serving a lot of healthy purposes, ginger root is one of the best selling items on the market - and easily one of the best tasting supplements out there.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Vitamins That Help With Hair Growth

Loss of hair, or baldness, is the result of not having enough vitamin B supplements.  Vitamin B is very important, as it contains B3 niacin, which is very important for growing hair.  Vitamin B6 is another important vitamin, containing nutrients such as sulfur, biotin, magnesium, and zinc.  Without these vitamins, your body won’t be able to grow hair as much, which commonly results in balding or hair loss as we get older.

What many people fail to realize, is the importance of vitamin B.  Research has shown in the past that vitamin B is very important to hair growth.  Men who consume foods that are rich in vitamin B are less likely to experience hair loss.  Vitamin B is an essential vitamin, and also one that enriches the overall quality and thickness of hair. 

Vitamin A is also important with hair growth.  To get the proper amount of vitamin A, you should consume fatty acids.  Some examples include flaxseed oil, primrose, and salmon oil.  If you consume these types of fatty acids, you’ll get the right amount of vitamin A that is needed to enhance the growth of your hair.  If you are worried about hair loss, you should make sure that you are getting enough vitamin A and vitamin B.

Vitamin E is also important for hair growth, as it stimulates your intake of oxygen and helps to improve your blood circulation as well.  If your blood is circulating properly, then the growth of your hair will be enhanced.  The proper circulation of blood is very important with hair growth, as the blood is what helps your hair to grow, and the necessary vitamins to flow through your body.

Another necessary vitamin for hair growth is biotin.  You can find this essential source in rice, green peas, soybeans, oats, yeast, walnuts, and sunflower seeds.  It is also found with some types of shampoos as well.  If you are using shampoo that contains biotin, you’ll be getting into your root tips faster, which will help to promote the growth of your hair.  Even though you may be using shampoo that contains biotin, you’ll still need to take the necessary vitamins and supplements as well.

Before you take any vitamins or supplements, you should always consult with your doctor and get his opinion.  There may be some vitamins and supplements that you shouldn’t be taking, which is why you should always consult with your doctor before you make any decision.  Your doctor will be able to run tests and go through your history with you, letting you know what you can and can’t take.  This way, you can choose your vitamin supplements accordingly – and know without a doubt that there will be no long term side effects or problems.